что multiplayer что singleplayer всё одинаково игра после обновления не работает дальше,загрузка игры прекращается. both multiplayer and singleplayer everything is the same, the game does not work after the update, the game loading stops.
Posts by germes
Hi. Can you tell me where you can perform tasks from the bar for the confederate strike force (CSF)? In what system and on what base or planet?
Indeed, probably so. This is probably why I had some videos when passing through a single player game without sound.
I think the difference in the number of files depends on the original disc with the game "Freelancer". You used your own disc with the game, and I have my own disc with the game, which is also official, released by the Russian company "New Disc".
Can you give a link to the original game disc to install the mod?
here is a screenshot
Here, I attached files with errors related to the game, there were more errors, I did not post errors with duplicate parameters. The system language on my computer is Russian.
I can, if you tell me where the log file is. I found the log.log file, but it is almost empty, there are only 3 lines and not on our topic.
The name of the character on which the problem occurs is "Eugene ..."
Hello everybody. I had a problem - when switching from the Hyperion system to the Sol system, I am thrown out of the game. The next time I enter the game, my character is 74K from the anomaly in the Sol system, at the bottom of the map. In the logs of the game loader it is written that the game stops by mistake CODE1. How to solve this problem?
You are in the middle of the bonus missions.
But you can not do anything at this point except to continue with the main story.
The bonus missions are ongoing releases of new content and the next one is currently worked on.
I would not post my message if the main mission started again, from the place where the pause for the bonus mission was paused. If the player’s opinion is interesting, then you need to implement bonus missions in the main files of the game modification. Without using cmd files.
Hello. Reinstalled the game. I launched the specified file, but 2 times required actions, the correctness of which I am not sure. However, the game started by saving the passage of the game, where you can pause in the main line. He flew to the French, I was escorted to the station, but then I don’t know what to do, since there was nothing else from the game messages. What to do next? Can I have a more detailed description of the process of activating the bonus line of the game?
My account was banned. Why? Nothing bad, I did not.
It all started with the fact that I bought on the basis of Junkers, who is in Texas, Luxury food and flew it to sell at Freeport-2. They sold the goods and after departure from the base I kicked from the server. Poprboval repeatedly failed. I flew to New York and sold the war on the ship, after the departure of the ship I was again thrown out from the server with the message that I was banned.
My character there - Eugene_Rain
I went through that part, I helped craft the rotation around the longitudinal axis, with a view from the ship's cabin.
Now I'm stuck on 10 of the single mission mode Crossfire. There should be over the planet to find the source and bring down the number of vessels invading ships, Savage. They quickly kill me, no matter what I rotate your ship maneuvering.
Привет Аджай.
Корабль простой, Черный Орел. Щит как раз барьер, молекулярный мк2, броня есть- мк10, толку от этого нет, торпедами или ракетами заваливают, особенно после того как 2 волна кораблей подваливает.
Тут Игуану использовать не получится, я пытаюсь пройти одиночные миссии по истории Трента, раньше я играл в нее, в режиме бога, но так не интересно. Не знаешь как Рапира корабль? продается в Гамбурге на военном корабле -
I played crossfair 1.9, a single game. It was easier to go through this part of the story of Trent. In version 2.0, it became more difficult to pass.
I tried to circle, as you advised, but it is impossible. I am fill up very fast rockets. I am killed very quickly, especially the second wave of the ships of the coalition..Ships coalition quickly becomes a lot, and my Evolution, anyway.
Video wiki me a little help, English I do not know, talk to you with a program - translator. -
Thanks to all who answered. I will learn to battle.