a black day for freedom of speech, Julian Assange arrested

There are 5 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by denne.

  • In response to the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in London, the American Civil Liberties Union’s (ACLU) Ben Wizner released a statement highlighting the serious danger his prosecution would pose for all journalists.

    “Any prosecution by the United States of Mr Assange for WikiLeaks’ publishing operations would be unprecedented and unconstitutional, and would open the door to criminal investigations of other news organizations,” he said.

    Prosecuting Assange wouldn’t only endanger non-American journalists. According to Wizner, this attack on press freedom is a two-way street.

    Prosecuting a foreign publisher for violating US secrecy laws would set an especially dangerous precedent for US journalists, who routinely violate foreign secrecy laws to deliver information vital to the public interest.

    "There is no connection between truth and politics." Londo Mollari (Centauri Ambassador) londo.jpg

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  • For the general purpose to protect journalism i support this statement eventhough I have very mixed and conflicting opinions on Assange and WikiLeaks very one-sided intentions.

    However, I need to mention... there are laws for a reason. Journalism must not be an excuse to break it.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Laws are made from people for the people.

    In case 9 billion says "YES" and 20 says "NO" that particular rule should be changed.

    But there is manipulations /equals politic/ where those numbers can be changed or negligee.

    After all there is no reason someone to loose his freedom becaus he has read someones emails.

    But if that info concerning some economics /bla bla bla/ or even worst - agents in hot points of the world,the harm will de unacceptable.

    So agree with the mixed and conflicting opinion....but still.....

  • Ok my mixed feelings start to grow.

    In an idial world everyone would have the democratic right to vote on every decision (I assume your 2nd sentence is about that).

    In reality the majority of people has no idea what they would be voting about. Almost nobody really reads the law proposals... nearly nobody thinks about possible consequences... and very large amount of people does not even want to vote on every shit.

    A direct voting system is always doomed to fail.

    That is why politicians are needed. They have the job to read the laws, think about consequences and then make decisions based on information that the average people don't have. The only problem is that we have no mechanism to hold these politicians accountable.

    Reading other people mails can cause harm to these people and therefore should never be allowed. Everyone knows it... violating such rules and even publishing the content is done at own risk. Imagine how much damage can be done if you receive bank account data via mail and this is being published on the internet.

    On larger scale such bs could ruin companies (even if they did nothing wrong).. it could crash the economy... millions could lose their job, their homes, etc. just because the wrong info was leaked.

    Rules and laws exist for a reason. This is not debatable.

    But rules and laws should have exceptions as not every law is broken with malicious intend.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!