New The Geography of the Pilgrim Alliance


At its height, the Pilgrim Alliance consisted of twelve member systems located primarily in the Terra and Vearrier quadrants of Sol Sector and at least seven more recently established colony worlds located across Vega. Eleven of the twelve Pilgrim Alliance systems have been identified. This list does not include Terran Confederation-settled worlds occupied by the Alliance during the 2631-2635 war.

  • Alpha Centauri
  • Beacon
  • Bradshaw
  • Cygnus
  • Faith
  • Frase
  • Luyten
  • McDaniel's World
  • Promise
  • Proxima Centauri
  • Sirius

The twelfth system is either Canarus, Krieger, Talos, Tikopal or Weslyn. Beacon was the administrative capital of the Alliance and McDaniel's World was the religious center. After the surrender, nine of these Pilgrim systems were integrated into the Confederation. Three systems, Faith, Promise, McDaniel's World, along with seven colony planets, were allowed to remain semi-autonomous. The semi-autonomous Pilgrim population maintained neutrality in the Terran-Kilrathi War, although this was not recognized by the Empire. By 2654, two of the seven colonial enclaves had been destroyed, starting with the Hellespont in 2639. Surviving enclaves include Spiritia at Ymir, Divinity on Seva at Tamayo and Triune on Netheryana at Hell's Kitchen. The location of two enclaves, Mythada and Commune, is unknown.