It's the end of an era, folks. The digital storefront for the Xbox 360 was shut down today, and along with that, the primary method to buy Wing Commander Arena has gone offline. We didn't really know what the interface would look like, which is why we made a video of it yesterday before things changed. The before and after are now displayed below.
The living "bing," "games," "movies & tv" and "apps" tabs are gone. "Home," "social" and "settings" remain. As expected, Arena seems to be fully playable and intact with online features. There is also a system features to change the themes and play downloaded videos. On the web side of things, Arena's marketplace site appears to now redirect to the general Xbox catalog.
Along with Arena, the Terran and Kilrathi Themes are now unavailable to purchase, and it does not appear that there is any way to seek out and download the game's three promotional videos anymore. If you've already got them, they're still there, but we've preserved them below as well!