Having Fun Talking About the Academy Show

Today we've got a nifty review of the Wing Commander Academy series by David John-Bores. He's not otherwise a Wing Commander player, so it's interesting to see his honest take on the show. Academy is such a solid series that it can stand very well on its own, so we love to see new people appreciate that. He focuses on a handful of episodes: Red and Blue, Word of Honor, Expendable, On Both Your Houses and Glory of Sivar, which are some top material. Along with Chain of Command, these are some excellent episodes to watch if you were going to hop around.

Oh wait, did I just use this topic as an excuse to hijack my own post and talk about a totally different show named Academy? I guess so! Today at the San Diego Comic-Con they revealed several exciting new cast additions for the Star Trek: Starfleet Academy series that begins filming next month. Plus, there's new teasers/trailers for the new seasons of Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds and the Section 31 movie. Finally, they also shared that a new live action show in preproduction. We have a ton of Star Trek fans on the CIC Discord, and it's been a lot of fun talking about all of the exciting new developments all day. Stop on by to join in!
