"Scar" Anomaly

Call of Pripyat. Location: Zaton, near Waste Processing Plant and Preobrazhensky Bridge.
The "Scar" is one of macro-anomalies - a bunch of usual local anomalies clustered in one place. Unlike, for example, "Iron Forest" (a substation chock full of radiation and Electras), the "Scar", as you can see, is outright weird - what the flak could cause such a straight and narrow fissure?
All anomalies tend to be dangerous and Scar is no exception: there's a strong psi field inside the fissure and two Electras in the end. However if you get a decent psi protection, you can easily walk in and out. The Scar tends to produce artifacts of electrical nature, such as "Moonlight".

P.S. My Abakan called, it wants its muzzle brake back.