Deploying on Ceres.

So, I decided to pick up Warframe a couple of days ago.

Still have the NoobCalibur though, 'cos apparently getting my hands on another frame is going to be difficult... do I have to farm the bosses for components?

Ex has a nice Panic Button on 4 though. When in danger, slash the flak out of everything with Exalted Blade.

Also, rather happy that I've got a Gorgon blueprint from one of the missions. For reference, it's the same gun wielded by Grineer Heavy Gunners.

Comments 8

  • FYI: created new album category for Warframe and moved image there.

  • It all depends on what you want.

    Excalibur is not a bad warframe... it can get you through the entire starmap but it isnt really ready for harder tasks. I can show you how to get something more reliable and how to get specific components and mods.

    Your weapon setup will probably get you through half of the map.

    The Gorgon is fun to use but later on you might run into problems in timed missions. The Bo allows some interesting builds. I personally use melee weapons with higher range and better status effects. You can get hands on pretty insane weapons already early in the game.

    Use the Taxon but don't bother upgrading its slot layout. Later in the game you barely will use it.

    • Thanks a lot for the detailed comment and the offer!

      I do have some components and blueprints for various frames... I think those dropped off bosses or Void Fissure missions. I guess I haven't really settled on what I really want.

      Yeah, I am working on exploring what I can find. I didn't mention it, but I also have Dex Furis as a secondary (dropped off Gifts of the Lotus mission), so those kinda help when Gorgon runs out of ammo.

      That Bo is pretty much the same MK1-Bo I picked up from the tutorial.

      I also have a Heat Sword and Vulkar in crafting.

      Taxon has been useful, actually, with its ability to buff shields from enemy HP. I maxxed out the mod responsible for that.

    • Like I said use the taxon. You can max the mods but you shouldn't really bother with upgrading the slots.

    • Oh, you mean like with Forma or similar stuff?

    • yes

      btw. you should start crafting forma as soon as you can... you need many of these

    • when do you usually play?

      want me to invite you?