Ajay's Story 2.0: Lost And Found Paradise.
Let's be honest, I am not really fit for military. Though since originally I was a dispatcher, that is somewhat justified - the job did not require any great strength, toughness or sharp eyesight. The contrast with the Drop Troops sergeant Flyagin brought with himself to the meeting brought it up.
-Oh, greetings, Ajay - Flyagin greeted me and gestured me to take a seat. I complied and he continued. - Senior Sergeant Margelov[1] and his men have been commanded here for a capture operation, deep within the Nomad space.
-Let me guess. That Lost Paradise cargo operation brought some results? - I asked.
-It did - my CO nodded and took a sip from his tea cup, then continued. - We have found a number of fugitives that opted to move there and try to get their hands on the cargo. Unluckily for them, it was a trap.
-You need to deliver my men there. One of platforms on the surface. You drop us, we do the rest. - Drop trooped added. - I