Fleet On Display In New LLOD Flyby

  • [feedquote='Wing Commander News','http://www.wcnews.com/index.shtml#14109']Here's a great look at the Confed fleets of

    Last Line of Defense

    . These ships span a couple timeframes, which you can see from the distinctive coloring. After a general fly around,


    hops in the cockpit and gives off a first person view of the assembled warships. That part's cool, but it's especially neat to see the fly-through hangars on the space station.

    • Still some errors, texture problems and missing turrets on the Tolmacs - next overwork.
    • Missing - I lost my Drayman :/
    • And the Wake Needs a few overworks too before I post some new Screens
    But here: the Fleet of Confed 2654-2668 ;) Confed Green and Confed Blue 2669 Colors ;) And a fly to Olympus - a bit bigger :D Scooby did great work on that base. With some relax Music featuring Jazz ;)
