Condor Now Ready to Resupply

  • [feedquote='Wing Commander News','']


    ' latest ship might look like the familiar

    Search and Rescue

    ship he completed last month, but this is actually the tanker/refueler version. It has a slightly different model to account for the docking port that transfers munitions and fuel. Although it won't see action in the

    Secret Ops MUP

    due to its sole appearance in Prophecy, this bodes well for our chances of seeing the enhancement pack make the leap over to its Vision Engine sibling after the current upgrade is complete. You can learn more about the project and try out the first alpha release




    Fill 'er up! The Condor tanker variant is now ready to supply you with fuel and missiles. Of course there's only one mission that you ever do that on and that's in Prophecy... so, um, well it's there anyway. ;)

    wcso_shipupgrade112t.jpgwcso_shipupgrade113t.jpgwcso_shipupgrade114t.jpg [/feedquote]