256 Turrets Ought To Be Enough For Anybody

  • gr1mre4per

    is back with additional tweaks to his

    earlier efforts

    on improving and refining Prophecy's turret system. Fighter craft can now have up to 32 turrets, and capships can have as many as 256. The game originally uses a hardcoded refire delay of one second for capship turrets, but with these latest tweaks the delay times are taken from BULLET.IFF. This means Nephilim ships are now extra challenging to take out, because their refire delay drops down to 0.8 seconds. In addition, there is a Privateer 2 style randomized refire delay that creates the impression that a real person is gunning for you. Prophecy Unlimited began as a project to remove many of the limitations which the Vision Engine imposed to keep the game running smoothly on 1990s hardware, but has grown to include many tweaks and features. Find out more



    • Confirmed capship turret limit increase no longer causes a crash.
    • Capship gun turrets now use the refire delay from BULLET.IFF instead of being fixed at 1 second.
    • Privateer 2 style random refire delay on gun turrets. Impossible to chain all turrets together for a true P2 style. Refire delay calculated using refire delay from BULLET.IFF and a random number gen so high refire guns don't refire too fast.

