Ron Cobb's Wing Commander Concept Art Found!

  • LOAF recently uncovered several pieces of exotic concept art for the Wing Commander Movie! These treasures were drafted by

    Ron Cobb

    , who is famous for creating some of the iconic imagery for Star Wars, Alien, The Last Starfighter and more. Each is dated 1997 before Chris Roberts and producer Todd Moyer decided to go in a different visual direction, although some of the promotional material such as the

    1998 SFX WC magazine

    still credits him with the "texture" of the film. It's neat to finally see what he envisioned, and some of these ships are pretty wild! The Rapier and Dreadnought are flashy designs while the Diligent actually isn't that different and has kind of an Avenger vibe. "Configuration 1" may have been a different take on the Broadsword. How do you like these compared to what ended up on screen?
