ED Guides - Outfitting vs Insurance

There is 1 reply in this Thread. The last Post () by Moorhuhn.

  • WARNING for a new ED players: NEVER and I mean really NEVER fly a ship where you cannot pay its insurance at least two times!

    If you will lose your ship, because you have ignored this warning, it's only and only your own mistake! Money can be easily obtained, it is better to do a few more missions or catch a few more criminals, and put a little delay on the use of your new ship than to lose an entire new ship in a second ...

    Wanted ask & discuss what you think about using 'A' grade (max allowed size) components vs insurance costs and vs 'gain to ship abilities'. Just noticed that there is 3x price multiplier when coming from B to A and this started me think if for a newbie isn't it contraproductive.

  • Usually, D-Grades have the lowest weight, so your jumprange stays high. If I have choice, I go either D or directly A, with exception of scanners and sensors, as they consume vast amounts of energy when going to A.

    The way I found fitting well to my style is:
    - A-grade for FSD (for jumprange), power-distributor (to keep the 3 "levels" of energy up, e.g. for faster timed boosting) and Fuel-Scoop (short time cooking next to sun).
    - If you come into too low power with D-grade power-plant, go directly A-grade (for saving weight).
    - For trader, make all other D-grade and take no guns with you to safe weight.
    - If you want to fight, A-grade shields and thrusters, as well as maybe B-grade sensors (You can stick with D-grade, too, but cold ships can give you some surprises. *cough* Diamondback Scout).
    - I tend to outfit even an A-grade life-support, as I got my canopy broken sometimes and the D-grade is rather short-timed with 5min, compared to 25min with A-grade.
    - So far, I never took better hull in order to safe weight. Although there may be "special" builds where this could come in handy. Thinking of a stealth-built without shield for the DBS, as it runs around 22% heat with all modules on - it should come well below 20% without shield, so it will disappear from most scanners when >1km away...

    - if your build exceeds the power-plant only a bit, you still can run it by giving "priority" to modules in right-sided panel. e.g. you can keep all things needed for combat at "1", things like cargo hatch, fuel scoop, FSD lower. You need to get <100% when deploying hardpoints, else *all* systems fall silent... quite an experience! :D

    my fighter: http://coriolis.io/outfit/diamondback/04A4A4A2A3A2B4C1b271824000204044002022o.Iw1-kA==.Aw1-kA==?bn=Bold Mole - DBS

    my hauler: Coriolis EDCD Edition

    my swiss knife: http://coriolis.io/outfit/cobra_mk_iii/04A4A4A3D3A3D4C1b271824000203034501012o.Iw1-kA==.Aw1-kA==?bn=BoldMole - Cobra

    My observation so far from other cmdrs is that most go either D-grade or A-grade. Between only to safe power. Good potential to save power is sensors or (if used) all sort of scanners and shield boosters / shield cell banks.

    As insurance is only 5% of total cost, I go for equip I want and only have a look, if I can afford the insurance 2-3 times if bad things happen.

    Never underestimate the price of an equipped ship! Using coriolis.io, I think I won't go for the Asp unless I have 30mio in bank, although initial ship cost is "only" 6.6mio....

    Edited 9 times, last by Martind Forlon: more explanation and fixing links ().