BG - Custodian Rules

  • CUSTODIAN SYSTEM RULES (updated 08/10/2011)

    ALL former alliances are still valid

    IOC have FULL access

    DC have FULL access

    SA have trading and passage rights, as part of a Mutual Defense Agreement

    CFPD have trading and passage rights, as part of a Mutual Defense Agreement

    SMG have passage rights

    PX have passage rights

    The following clans are seen as neutral and must ask if they wish to pass through Custodian:


    The following clans are hostile towards BG; all passage and purchase rights are hereby forbidden:

    {BLK_OPS} - for continuously trespassing through Custodian, idling in Custodian and attacking BG without any reason while wearing Smuggler licences and general hostile behaviour towards BG.

    The following people have FULL access in Custodian:


    BG is open to negotations regarding transit/purchase and trading rights within Custodian.

    Allies (including the pilots in the Full Access list just above) have the right to stop and destroy any intruders in Custodian.

    Intruders are classed as the following :

    All Pirates;
    Anyone deemed as hostile towards BG;
    Any pilot carrying Illegal goods/BMGs;
    Any non allied clan member over level 20 without permission from a BG.

    Pilots travelling to Events may pass through Custo to the Arena but should speak to a BG before entering. If no BG is online just pass.

    ALL Freelancers can trade in Custodian and are free to pass

    Clan members below level 20 are allowed to cross, but If a BG member is online please have the courtesy to notify us first.

    Clan members above level 20 are NOT allowed unless they are in the list above or have been granted permission.

    NO pirates allowed in Custodian (unless allowed to cross under the above rule)

    NO killing allowed (unless a BG or Ally does it)

    NO BMG/illegal cargo allowed NO fines just "Drop or Die"

    Of course access to Custodian is a privilege

    If ordered by BG, any access or stay in Custodian may immediately be revoked or denied for legitimate reasons - for instance because we want to practice.

    If you are found to have broken the above rules we will deal with you as we see fit.

    If you require a Bullpup and are in a clan not covered above, ask first otherwise you will be seen as an intruder and destroyed.

    If you are a freelancer a polite request goes a long way .

    NO charge is made for ship purchases or Transit

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

    Bunny thinks Ed is not as cool as him

    Edited 6 times, last by Arvedui ().